

About Me

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Western North Dakota , United States
My husband, Allen, and I are high school sweet hearts. We started dating Sep.99'- I kind of followed Allen home one day, and never did leave, is Allen's story. November 02' we were engaged, and on November 22,2003 - we were married. Having been married for 6 years in 2009, marked the 5th year we had been trying to start our family. With the referral of a Fertility Specialist from a friend, our IUI attempts ended up being a complete success despite my doubts. We welcomed our sweet little girl, Hayleigh into the world on June 30,2010 at 6:28am after 37wks and 1 day of gestation. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 in long. We found out that we were Baby #2 on April Fool's Day- a complete surprise! Reid Allen was born 11/13/12 3:24am 9lbs 8.2oz 21", after 38wks 5 days. Our 3rd baby, Eva Jane, was born on April 19, 2015 after suffering a pregnancy loss June of 2014. We are currently anxiously awaiting baby #4 due 2 days before Eva's birthday, so we are having Irish Twins! Our family is so blessed and happy to be growing!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What the heck am I thinking? Bradley Who?

What the heck am I thinking? Why am I even considering this?? The Bradley Method. I know, it sounds kind of weird, some of the things they do with this, but, the more I hear, the more I think... "I can do that!" We will see I am sure! I ordered a book, Childbirth the Natural Way, The Bradley Way. I guess just the thought of not being able to get up after having the baby, and having a catheter put in, after an epidural, is not at all what I want... especially the catheter! I cannot even begin to tell you why, but, all I know is that I DO NOT WANT ONE! Let me pee on myself! Really, I would rather! I know that sounds gross, but, I really do not want some stupid tube up my hoohoo after all of that! I do realize that if a C-section is necessary, I will have to have one. It is really funny how my views on giving birth have changed since now, I know there is no turning back now. I am really dreading the stupid IV too! I know, I know, they only will give you things you need to make everything better. I have never had an IV, and for some reason, I am more scared of the IV and catheter than the actual birth. Weird, I know. I am sure it probably will not be much of anything. I guess my actual birth plan for now, is to go as long as possible without drugs, trying some of the techniques from the Bradley Method, and if I can go without the drugs, than great, if not, I tried.


  1. When I was getting ready to have Connor. I was shocked to read all of the things that happen when that time comes. I always new I was going to have the drugs, I am just not that strong but I was surprised by the whole process. My water broke at 39 and 1 and I was not contracting. When they put my IV in they put it in my forarm not my hand. You may want to ask about this, it was great for pushing because I wasn't jabbing the needle further in my hand. They had to give me pitcion to start my contractions and once i asked for my epidural, I really didn't care what else they had to do as long as all my back labor stopped. I think going into it with your mind made up about going no drugs is great. I am excited to hear how things continue to progress. Monica

  2. Alena, thank you very much! I try not to be soo boring, I tend to blab about baby 24/7, but, that is after all, why my blog was even created in the first place. I hope you enjoy!
