

About Me

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Western North Dakota , United States
My husband, Allen, and I are high school sweet hearts. We started dating Sep.99'- I kind of followed Allen home one day, and never did leave, is Allen's story. November 02' we were engaged, and on November 22,2003 - we were married. Having been married for 6 years in 2009, marked the 5th year we had been trying to start our family. With the referral of a Fertility Specialist from a friend, our IUI attempts ended up being a complete success despite my doubts. We welcomed our sweet little girl, Hayleigh into the world on June 30,2010 at 6:28am after 37wks and 1 day of gestation. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 in long. We found out that we were Baby #2 on April Fool's Day- a complete surprise! Reid Allen was born 11/13/12 3:24am 9lbs 8.2oz 21", after 38wks 5 days. Our 3rd baby, Eva Jane, was born on April 19, 2015 after suffering a pregnancy loss June of 2014. We are currently anxiously awaiting baby #4 due 2 days before Eva's birthday, so we are having Irish Twins! Our family is so blessed and happy to be growing!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Preparing for Christmas with Grandma Sue's visit, and Our Visit to O-town, and Our Big Move

I just realized I completely missed Halloween or even to mention we moved 3 months ago as well. Well, to catch that end up, back end of September, right around the time of my 8wk appointment, Allen finally got promoted to Supervisor on his crew. That has been both a curse and a blessing. The blessing being we qualified for company housing- a townhouse or a regular house owned by Halliburton. We ended up with the townhouse- that was a big to do deal and moving was as well. We ended up choosing the townhome over the house because all utilities and cable, etc.. everything was included in our rent which at the end of the day was only $200 more than we were paying for our house we were renting in Colorado- but ended up being balanced out from Allen's rent of his company shared townhouse just right around the corner from us now. We are now saving over $1000 a month with this move, I no longer worry about Allen driving 14 hours or more twice a month, and we get to see him every day.

 There was an adjustment period of getting used to him being with us- the kids have been elated and so have I, but I no longer get my lazy days of cooking just mac n cheese or hot dogs for us for supper. I now cook a full meal every.single.day. Which is good- we all sit down together as a family every night instead of a week out of each month.

One of the bad things is we were not able to get Hayleigh enrolled in Pre-K up here. They are all full, so we have been working on the Pre-K stuff ourselves every day at home. Kindergarten shouldn't be a problem getting into.

 The move was a pain in the butt. Our landlords were MIA the whole month leading to our move after multiple attempts to get in contact with them to go over the final details. Our final walk through of the house was a nightmare- everything that had been blemished on the house  before we got it they tried to pin onto us, and despite the house being completely clean, nail free, carpets cleaned, etc., they still held almost half of our deposit for carpet cleaning and stupid little things even though they did not do any of those things for us before we moved in, and told us we got it as is. SMH...

Our townhome came fully furnished, and I mean everything down to towels, beds, bedding, etc... so storage has been a problem here even though we have more room. We are having to store 3 queen beds, a second table and chairs, love seat, and couch we are not using. They are in places all over the house- in the closet under the stairway, the garage, and Reid's bathroom to his room.

 The only downside to moving here has been Allen gets phone calls all the time from the other crew and his service leader. I have no idea just how the crew he came off of when we moved here functioned before him... well actually I do know- he was there for the 3 months prior and did everything then. The current supervisor is incompetent, and can not lead his crew so he calls Allen at all hours asking random stupid questions that he should know.

My mom made a trip up here for a week and a half long visit for Halloween and to help us get settled in 2 weeks after we moved here. We had a great time, and got the Christmas stuff up just after Halloween since she was here to help me- it is still up and fixing to come down this coming week- I hope. We ended her visit with celebrating Reid's 2nd Birthday just a week early, and saw her off. We are still not completely done unpacking- and hopefully that gets fixed this week as well when we get a storage unit.

We then had my doctors appt. which is on the Catch up with Baby Georgie post you can read all about, celebrated Thanksgiving with me fixing a whole Thanksgiving meal for Allen's crew, delivering it in a blizzard with the kids.

We also made a trip back to Illinois for Christmas this year as well. We left on the 20th of December, and made it in after spending the night in Eau Claire, WI on Monday the 21st. We had a nice busy visit, and mainly just got to see our family for the whole visit. I wish we would have had more time, but we honestly only got to sit and relax 2 nights while we were there the whole almost 2 week visit. We attended Christmas Eve Mass at my church from my childhood- to which I was disappointed in the no trumpets, no baby Jesus being brought up to the nativity, and no incense- its a big Catholic deal for special occasions. Going to mass still made my night- yes I did tear up when the choir sang O Holy Night. Eva kicked me during the whole service and the kids behaved like angels. Allen didn't even give me any dirty looks about being there as well. I bought a maternity navy blue dress just for the occasion to wear with my off white pea coat, and all was perfect in the world.

Christmas morning came, along with Santa Claus... had a good time helping my mom help Santa after midnight mass- was a first I had ever seen her helping Santa out. The kids got more than they asked for, and were on their best behaviors. Mom and I prepared Christmas dinner, and Allen went hunting afterwards and ended up getting a doe.

We also spent a day seeing Santa Claus at the mall- gag.... I would just about drive 13 hours to see our old Santa from the 2 years prior. We did our first build a bear experience, and it did not go as I had envisioned, but we made it out $80 later with two cute reindeer.

The rest of our trip we had Christmas with my mom's family at a party that ended with one of the littles going through their plate glass wall, we celebrated Christmas with my dad, and got together with other family members for the rest of the trip.

We ended up leaving a day earlier than we planned due to a weather system that was due to hit North Dakota. The plan was to stop that first night around Fargo, ND, but as we drove on we knew that system was going to hit sooner than we expected, so we drove the whole way in, arriving to iced over Williston at 4am. Allen got up before I did that same morning and checked the road conditions for the state, and they were all in red, and iced over. The kids did fantastic the whole trip - Hayleigh only had an accident on the way to Illinois. Our trip to Illinois ended up being only a 19 hour drive, but the way back was 22 hours- we had both dogs and the kids with us through it all. I have absolutely no desire to travel anywhere out of town for a while I know that.

We still have no idea when we will be visiting Illinois again- probably not until Fall if we are lucky this year. We have people asking us to come back in April or May, but Eva will be coming at the end of April, so there is no way in hell we will be traveling with 3 kids- with one being newborn anytime soon after she is born just so a few people can see her in person for a 3 day visit since Allen's vacations are already planned for this year. CRAZY to think we would do that in the first place. I swear I really don't know what people think we are, because we sure in the hell are not super heros, or crazy stupid to make a trip like that anytime soon, when none of them are even willing to try to travel to us.

Buzz Lightyear and a Spooky Cat

I even dressed me and Eva up at 13 wks with the x-ray shirt with a baby on bottom

Daddy got to see us off on our way for the trick or treat downtown- which was really a big hit!

Right before we took Grandma back to the airport
Setting up the tree a week before Grandma left

Our Townhouse

Matching Christmas PJs from Our Elf, during advent
These are only a few of the pictures I have- 90% of them I shot in Raw format on my camera and have yet to process them into jpegs.... lesson learned on that one- shoot both raw and jpeg for this kind of stuff.


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