

About Me

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Western North Dakota , United States
My husband, Allen, and I are high school sweet hearts. We started dating Sep.99'- I kind of followed Allen home one day, and never did leave, is Allen's story. November 02' we were engaged, and on November 22,2003 - we were married. Having been married for 6 years in 2009, marked the 5th year we had been trying to start our family. With the referral of a Fertility Specialist from a friend, our IUI attempts ended up being a complete success despite my doubts. We welcomed our sweet little girl, Hayleigh into the world on June 30,2010 at 6:28am after 37wks and 1 day of gestation. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 in long. We found out that we were Baby #2 on April Fool's Day- a complete surprise! Reid Allen was born 11/13/12 3:24am 9lbs 8.2oz 21", after 38wks 5 days. Our 3rd baby, Eva Jane, was born on April 19, 2015 after suffering a pregnancy loss June of 2014. We are currently anxiously awaiting baby #4 due 2 days before Eva's birthday, so we are having Irish Twins! Our family is so blessed and happy to be growing!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Rundown of the Past 2 weeks Headache and Heartache

So by now, most of everyone knows we are back in Otown...sigh... There have been many changes going on lately- too many for my liking. I'm a creature of habit, and hate change. This all started off with our rent house we were moving to. The people from whom we were to rent from while they moved up to North Dakota- funny I know, had arranged for us to rent their house for 2 years, until they moved back to retire. Great plan... then the wife took a trip, and saw North Dakota- Williston area. She decided she really did not want to live there and not want to move up to North Dakota. Now she knows why we do not live there. This all took place 1 week before our move. ugghhhh! So, to keep from making a rash decision on another rent house to be locked into for a year, we decided to put stuff in storage. Then, came the crazy plan- to move back to Otown, so I could have more help. I'm sure I screamed this at Allen in a moment of desperation. Sleep deprivation, colicky baby, boxes everywhere... you get the picture. We got everything moved to storage- I had to throw away my wrapping paper and a few other things... it was it or something else to get everything to fit into our 10x25 storage unit. I still cannot believe that both and only Allen and I moved everything- with 2 year old and 2 month old in tow. We then drove 15 hours straight through back to Otown, arriving at 4am on Friday morning...with a 2 year old and 2 month old in tow. I realize I'm stressing the 2 yr old and 2 month old part, but I feel like super mom because it went a whole lot easier than I thought it would. The past week has been a complete blur. Trying to catch up with everyone, and figure out just what end is up and what end is down. I'm still not sure what we are going to do. The help I want or need, I cannot get. This is all due to the times I need the help the most, it is late at night, or while everyone is at work. Also, Reid is a total Mama's boy, and doesn't want anyone but me- so me getting help is a little far fetched. I know Allen does not want to live here at all. He wants to go back to Colorado Springs area, so this is all still up in the air. I do really miss Colorado, but I miss everyone back here as well. BUT, Allen is the one sacrificing his time with us to work in North Dakota, so I can stay home with the kids, so I don't want to make him live somewhere he hates for when he is off of work. I really don't know what will happen.

Most of my family has meet Reid by now. I had issues this past week with one in particular.. my dad. It took him 5 days to see us, and meet Reid. Dad was only 5 minutes away from us, and could not manage to break off to say a quick hi. I cannot tell you just how much this disappointed me. Reid and Hayleigh are the only grand kids between my sister and I, so you would think this would be a big deal....first grandson. Then, when he did meet him, he didn't even want to hold him. He couldn't wait to hold Hayleigh all of the time when she was a baby, and Reid was even in a good happy mood.  I expected my dad to be a bit more excited over Reid, especially when he wanted both my sister and I to be boys soo bad back when we were born. There are a few other issues going on there, but my heart aches for poor Reid. When we found out he was on the way on April Fool's day last year, a few people were completely not happy over it, and he has not exactly gotten the royal treatment his sister did from some. The poor boy has no chance. He is my miracle baby- Hayleigh is as well, but he was our surprise miracle- FREE miracle. I just don't understand how you could not get excited to meet such a sweet little boy, with the cutest little smiles and laugh.

Favoritism has been a big thing back here too. Obviously between Hayleigh and Reid with other people, but also of Hayleigh over her poor cousin, Xena, as well. I'm trying my best to not treat my kids differently. My sister was babied between us- I was a horrible baby like Reid, and my sister was the easy baby like Hayleigh. Well, a few people have been just flat out favoring Hayleigh over all others. It is not fair, and I'm not going to support it at all. We teach our kids to share their toys and everything, so why can't we enforce this? I hate that things are the way they are, but it's not up to me to fix everything. Just because a toy is Hayleigh's or was something for Hayleigh to play with, does not mean that Xena or Reid cannot play with it. I do not want a spoiled brat that thinks she is above everyone else, so don't enable it. I'm sure this will all be taken out of context, and I will be eating my shoes over this. Some will argue that this is not going on, but it is.

All I know is that I'm fighting for equal treatment for both of my kids, and their cousin. If everything gets put up when Hayleigh is not around, and not brought out for Xena or Reid, then some of the things we have at other places will just have to be taken elsewhere. They are not to just be stored away- they are to be used.

ANYWAY... enough with the headache...

Hayleigh is potty trained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the 3 day naked weekend did it! She still has a few accidents, but for the most part, we are there! Now, she only wears a diaper at night to bed. I recently purchased a new deal that goes in her car seat- for just in case accidents. It's called a Piddle Pad. It says it can hold over a cup of liquid, so we will see!

Also in current news, I've had to stop breast feeding Reid. Makes me very  sad. I worked soo hard to make it work, but I'm afraid that my psoriasis has been getting so bad that I need to start my meds up again for it, so I have to forgo the nursing. My psoratic arthritis has been kicking back in bad lately, and I don't want to ruin my joints over being able to breast feed. I purchased my first container of formula today, and felt awful about it. I feel like I've failed. I realize that it is not the end of the world, but after not being able to breast feed Hayleigh from supply issues, and being able to actually keep up with Reid this time around, it makes this very hard.

We also gave Reid his first rice cereal last night as well. He is quite the little pig, and LOVED it! I managed to pump quite a bit today before giving myself my 1st shot of Humeria, so I have some breast milk for Reid's cereal.

Today, Hayleigh managed to lock me out of my mom's house. I went out to take her car seat cover to put it back on the car seat just 20 foot from the front door. Hayleigh had an accident in it the other day, and I had washed it, and had the new piddle pad to put on as well. Well, Hayleigh checked to see what I was doing, and pushed the door open. I told her to get her butt back into the house. Boy did she! She managed to accidently lock the screen door. I had no way of getting into the house. My cell phone was also in the house, so I couldn't call mom for help. Mom got called into work anyway, so I was screwed. I tried talking Hayleigh into getting the door unlocked... after several unsuccessful attempts, I jiggled the door enough- not much, to manage to break the lock lever on the door. Needless to say, Hayleigh was in BIG trouble when I got in the house. She had left her underwear lying in the living room, and was running around the house half naked. We got ready for church, and hurried to church as soon as my mom got home. Both kids did great! Reid didn't even cry once. We went out to eat Mexican afterward, came home to a whole new list of boo boos I won't even go into.. Hayleigh turned into a complete klutz as soon as we walked into the door.

Anyway, we have been extremely busy. I'm trying to figure out just what we are doing, and praying we know by my 30th birthday... not looking forward to that one at all, and I'm sure my mom is not either. I just hope and pray that everything falls right into place soon!

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