Sorry this is getting rambled- I get this way when I get gushy over our kids.
Anyway, I can still remember what it felt like to feel that hope. I don't think that the feeling ever does leave- here we are 3 years later, and I am still in denial that we are here with 2 kids. Allen and I even still lay in bed at night, or just catch each other every now and then, and ask each other if we can even believe we are here.
My blog originally started out with our trials of trying to become a family, is now mainly just about our family completed and the day to day life of a mom. Even though we did not have to go through it all again for Reid, I still remember what it felt like to feel despair, wanting a baby soo bad- just wanting to see those 2 pink lines just once, and not thinking it would ever happen. I still have all of my injection supplies, packets, and instructions for both of our IUI cycles. I keep them in our cedar chest so I can someday bring it all out to show our kids how hard we fought for them- how much we wanted them. I haven't forgotten any of it.
My first round of drugs I was soo excited to get - it was like Christmas in a messed up sort of way when the package showed up at my door step. |
This was almost 3 years ago- Me & Hayleigh |
I know some people are just starting to go through all that we had endured a little over 3 years ago. They have no idea exactly what they are in for, what they will lose, and what they will gain. The experience is something I wouldn't ever trade for anything in the world. Most people who undergo infertility treatment say they would never wish it upon their worst enemies. Well... I would. Going through all of the ups and downs of it all, losing friends, gaining a few others that I would have never guessed I would has given me much to be thankful for. I am a better mom I believe from the experiences infertility has brought me. I am more patient, grateful person and a better wife now thanks to infertility. Our marriage was also made stronger because of infertility. We learned to be more supportive of each other- putting the other first. We both learned to be more understanding, and open as well. Because of the experiences infertility has brought us, our marriage has endured other life experiences along the way better than what it had I believe. So, to me infertility has ended up being a good thing..granted I'm the one sitting here with a happy ending while some are not as lucky.
Because of our happy ending to infertility, I can now say, it was worth it all- everything we lost or gained, worth every bit of it. We came out with so much more than just becoming Mom & Dad. So if you are there, just starting to jump into the jungles of infertility treatments, I wish nothing but the best for you. Just remember to savor it all- the good with bad: the injections, countless ultrasounds, lab work, nausea, and heartache of a failed cycle.. Because no matter how bad it all was, those memories will soon become some of your most precious memories, all because they were the beginning of you becoming Mom & Dad.
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