

About Me

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Western North Dakota , United States
My husband, Allen, and I are high school sweet hearts. We started dating Sep.99'- I kind of followed Allen home one day, and never did leave, is Allen's story. November 02' we were engaged, and on November 22,2003 - we were married. Having been married for 6 years in 2009, marked the 5th year we had been trying to start our family. With the referral of a Fertility Specialist from a friend, our IUI attempts ended up being a complete success despite my doubts. We welcomed our sweet little girl, Hayleigh into the world on June 30,2010 at 6:28am after 37wks and 1 day of gestation. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 in long. We found out that we were Baby #2 on April Fool's Day- a complete surprise! Reid Allen was born 11/13/12 3:24am 9lbs 8.2oz 21", after 38wks 5 days. Our 3rd baby, Eva Jane, was born on April 19, 2015 after suffering a pregnancy loss June of 2014. We are currently anxiously awaiting baby #4 due 2 days before Eva's birthday, so we are having Irish Twins! Our family is so blessed and happy to be growing!

Blog Archive

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Busy, BUT Lazy

I guess busy, but lazy is the best way to describe our lives right now. I'm trying to stay as lazy as possible- or not doing too much to keep Reid baking for as long as possible. But.. at the same time, I'm trying to get as much done as possible before Reid makes his debut- hopefully a month from now. We still have to set up his nursery. I have a plan, I promise!! We just ordered a decal for Reid's room- it will be here this week. Here it is:

We are also using Hayleigh's crib and dresser for Reid now, since the company we had ordered his log crib and dresser set, sent me an email issuing us a refund, due to not making the crib anymore. SO, after much debate, and trying to save some money, and headache, we are getting a toddler bed for Hayleigh, moving the crib and dresser to Reid's room, and putting the rest of Hayleigh's toys that are now in Reid's room in her room, since there will then be room after the dresser is out of there. I wanted to go ahead and bump her up to a twin bed, but as soon as we can move Reid to the toddler bed, we will be giving Hayleigh back her furniture, and the crib turns into a full sized bed to which I already have bedding for her for that set put back now. Whew! Anyway, that is the plan and for us to get everything set up next time Allen is home- the week of Halloween... decor and all!~

We had a doctor's appointment this last week- well a lot of appointments to be exact. Tuesday morning, we toured the hospital labor and delivery and recovery units. We also filled out the rest of the paper work needed- birth certificate information, signed off on rules of the hospital, etc. I just have to say that I thought my room in the new wing at RMH was great, this place looks like the Hilton Inn. BEAUTIFUL, and it has a jet tub for me to labor in!! I'm looking forward to that! Hayleigh was pretty excited while we were in the hospital taking our tour. The babies unless getting a wellness check, immunizations, or circumcised, stay in the room with mommy- co rooming. We also ran into my midwife on our way out- busy day!!

Wednesday afternoon, we went in for my 34 wk belly check. I was soo nervous getting on that stupid scale! Guess what?!! Gained ZERO pounds!!!! I guess we stayed busy enough on our almost 2 week visit that I managed to balance out the weight gain with baby growth. I ended up still measuring 2 wks out yet again- Reid is growing quite steadily, making me measure 36 wks. He was very active all day, and his heartbeat rate was in the 150's. I have very minimal swelling in my hands and feet- very good! Now, I'm on a week to week visit- almost there!~

Thursday, we spent the whole day running around like our heads were cut off, shopping. We ended up barely making it back to the house in time for our maternity/family pictures- to which I was to the point of let's just do this and get it done by that time. Pictures went a lot better than I expected from the way Hayleigh carried on. I can't wait to see them all, and I cannot believe that Cristine managed to get the shots that she did from the chaos that was going on, with the swarm of mosquito's that were attacking us too. That night, we went out to eat at Boston's. Of course, I could only eat about a quarter of my meal due to no room in the tummy for anything but baby. We ended the night by booking my mom's flights for coming out here November 7th- HOPEFULLY BEFORE Reid gets here! 

Friday was a cold rainy day. We had a change in plans, and after a whole day of wheeling and dealing, we came out with what we had been looking for all along. Allen managed to purchase a newer Excursion. Yes, I said Excursion. A 2005 diesel one to be exact. That is very rare to find with as low of miles on it as it has- under 70,000. We have been looking for another Excursion for some time, and with Reid coming closer to making his debut, and our other Excursion back in Illinois, we were down to just our truck out here. 

Well, now Allen can save money on fuel for if and when he drives straight to North Dakota, and I have a vehicle, right now for when he is gone, and will have 2 here after our friends haul my beloved "cow", our other Excursion out here sometime within the next few months. We are an Excursion family- that's for sure! I think it is our favorite vehicle of all time- room, comfort, and safety at it's best. We ended up after getting out of the dealership after Allen worked them down a lot on the price, signed the papers, going to a new store to look for his work boots. Murdoch's is one of our new favorite stores- next to Cabela's. I know, Cabela's is a hard contender, but this Murdoch's is like a Rural King super sized, on steroids. LOVE that store! We did find Allen's work boots- to which he has to check to see if he can get a voucher for them before we buy them. We did manage to get Reid another shirt- I know! That kid already has a complete closet full of clothes!! This is what Allen picked out for him. 

After Murdoch's, we were starving, and decided to try a new place, and finally agreed upon The Grand International Buffet. We thought this place was a general food buffet, but upon walking up to the doors, it was a Chinese Buffet. We have been a little gunny about trying a new one, and since we were already there, we decided, what the hay? When we walked in, it was like deja vu... THE CHINA BEAR!! Our favorite all time Chinese restaurant that was located in Corpus Christi, TX. IT WAS FABULOUS!!! And, we now have a new place that is on our list of favorites!~ We finished the night with hogging out on the couch to the tv, and relaxing. 

Today, we went for a drive in the Excursion. We ended up trying out Chic-fil-a. It was okay- didn't settle the greatest with us. We then ended up driving up to the Monument again, and drove through it all. Never does get boring, and we did see BIG HORN SHEEP this time!!! FINALLY!!! They were making their way down a cliff, and Allen and I watched them with our binoculars as they went down the cliff side. After that, we went past one of Allen's co-worker's house as a refresher for when he picks him up tomorrow morning to head to Denver, made our way back to Fruita to Walgreens to pick up my prescription, and then to the City Market for a few groceries, then back home to make a pot of chili and watch college football. Of course, I managed to sneak in a short nap, before Hayleigh woke me up on the couch in time to eat. Tonight, we watched most of the Nascar race, and relaxed until Hayleigh went to bed early- 7:30. I managed to find and dig out Hayleigh and Reid's stockings to ship back to my mom to get them monogrammed in time for her to bring them back here to us when she flies out next month. 

Over all, it has been a busy, but easy or lazy week. Just lots going on! But, isn't that the way it always is before baby arrives? Plans for this week include nesting- as easy as possible, packing the hospital bag that I forgot all about until now, cleaning, and getting last minute things settled. 

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