

About Me

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Western North Dakota , United States
My husband, Allen, and I are high school sweet hearts. We started dating Sep.99'- I kind of followed Allen home one day, and never did leave, is Allen's story. November 02' we were engaged, and on November 22,2003 - we were married. Having been married for 6 years in 2009, marked the 5th year we had been trying to start our family. With the referral of a Fertility Specialist from a friend, our IUI attempts ended up being a complete success despite my doubts. We welcomed our sweet little girl, Hayleigh into the world on June 30,2010 at 6:28am after 37wks and 1 day of gestation. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 in long. We found out that we were Baby #2 on April Fool's Day- a complete surprise! Reid Allen was born 11/13/12 3:24am 9lbs 8.2oz 21", after 38wks 5 days. Our 3rd baby, Eva Jane, was born on April 19, 2015 after suffering a pregnancy loss June of 2014. We are currently anxiously awaiting baby #4 due 2 days before Eva's birthday, so we are having Irish Twins! Our family is so blessed and happy to be growing!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hayleigh and the shortest Month in History...

 Hayleigh after a long day of turning 4 wks old....
Last Friday was very special.. my grandpa turned 80 years old, and Hayleigh 1 whole month! I sat there that morning thinking back a month ago, what all had happened, thinking I wished I would have known then what I know now. I wish I would have had a little bit of time to relax before Hayleigh got here. I think this would have really helped out with my labor a little bit more. I wish I would have known at the time that the jaundice was not that big of a deal. I realize that I was all hopped up on hormones when this was all going on, but, I like to be prepared for everything. Anyway, I sat and rocked Hayleigh in her room after a feeding, watching the clock, wishing I could visit a month ago again. I sat there with Hayleigh in my arms, thinking back a year ago then... I wish I could tell myself that everything would work out, and soon then, that the first round though failed, would be a distant memory by now. I sat there crying, soo happy to be where we are now, then... Hayleigh spit up all over me! She had this look on her face like someone had just slapped her. Poor girl! So, I got us both changed and cleaned up. I had to get us ready to go shopping with my mom later on that day anyway. We ended up at Kohls once again. I seriously do not know if they have an outfit that Hayleigh does not have. The question when shopping there my mom constantly is asking is if Hayleigh has a certain outfit and in what size. After purchasing yet again more outfits, we went to Jo Ann's Fabric to get some stamp pads to get Hayleigh's foot prints on everything I wanted to get them on. We ended up with hot pink, pastel pink, and black. The ink is all washable, so, Hayleigh did not fuss much when we did get around to stamping her feet. We finally went and both got pedicures at the new nail salon in Vincennes. This was my mom's first pedicure and my 2nd. I ended up getting my toes tiger striped. After leaving there, I ended up hurrying home to run a few errands and going out to eat with just my dad. I cannot get over just how much both of my parents love showing Hayleigh off. After spending time with my dad, I headed home, and got Hayleigh settled in for bed, since Allen would not be in until Saturday morning. After I got Hayleigh down for the night in her bassinet, I did snap a few pictures. After a very long day out, we finally got to really relax and celebrate... Hayleigh is a month old!

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