

About Me

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Western North Dakota , United States
My husband, Allen, and I are high school sweet hearts. We started dating Sep.99'- I kind of followed Allen home one day, and never did leave, is Allen's story. November 02' we were engaged, and on November 22,2003 - we were married. Having been married for 6 years in 2009, marked the 5th year we had been trying to start our family. With the referral of a Fertility Specialist from a friend, our IUI attempts ended up being a complete success despite my doubts. We welcomed our sweet little girl, Hayleigh into the world on June 30,2010 at 6:28am after 37wks and 1 day of gestation. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 in long. We found out that we were Baby #2 on April Fool's Day- a complete surprise! Reid Allen was born 11/13/12 3:24am 9lbs 8.2oz 21", after 38wks 5 days. Our 3rd baby, Eva Jane, was born on April 19, 2015 after suffering a pregnancy loss June of 2014. We are currently anxiously awaiting baby #4 due 2 days before Eva's birthday, so we are having Irish Twins! Our family is so blessed and happy to be growing!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funny how things work out......

Okay..okay! I know I have not been on here for a REALLY long time, and some much needed catching up is in order!

Well, let me start from the last few weeks counting down to now. Over the last 2 and a half week wait, I did not watch any baby shows - with the exception of last Friday of Baby Lab. I thought that show wouldn't hurt to watch.. people were trying for babies just like me, so that one was okay. But, other than that, no baby shows, books, movies, or thoughts. I was really thinking AF was going to rear her ugly head last week. To me, it is still a surprise to see no AF, even though I know better now.
I fully did not expect this round to work.. I was sick all through the follistim injections, I got migraines, an allergy cold on the day of IUI. I just did not feel like things were going to work out right... I was very very wrong!

I just about had a melt down on last Wednesday, when I thought AF was coming, but to my surprise it was very very little there, and AF never did come back.. this started making me really anxious.

Last Friday night, Allen and I went out to eat in Effingham. Holly, my friend/cousin, was going into labor, so we thought we would stop in to see them if she had delivered her little girl before we left Effingham. She did not though. We had to go to Menards and to Wal-Mart, so I could pick up a pregnancy test. I was not too excited this time to say the least. The wait on this round was not hard.. we just didn't think about it, and we were discussing starting up again in January, and talking about what we would do if that round did not work either. So, I picked up a First Response test pack of 3.. hey, I was saving the rest for January. We went home and got to bed early.

1:23 am.. I wake up, and think what the heck.. so I get my stuff ready and I take the test. Now, last round, I went out of the room, and waited the 3 min. for the test, this one I thought what the hell, I'll just stay and watch. Well, it did not take long at all. I saw the wet line progress across the window, and it was like Christmas tree lights that were just plugged in.. boom boom two VERY bright lines! I was kind of numb.. I just stood there and looked at it, kind of questioning it. I guess I was just very surprised that it was that bright. So, I went in and woke Allen up. I told him I wanted him to see something. He followed me into the bathroom, the toilet was still running since I had dumped my cup out, since the first test had worked. Allen goes into the bathroom, and I point at the counter and tell him to go and look. He then goes and lifts up the toilet lid, and says ohh, the toilet is not over flowing? Keep in mind this is now 1:30 in the morning. So, I tell him to look at the counter, he picks the test strip up, and kind of squints at it.. he says, "ohh, yeah, that is definately a positive." We then just stood there and stared at each other and the test, kind of in shock. He gives me a hug and a kiss, and we go back to bed.. just lying there, staring at each other. We both finally decided we couldn't sleep, so, we go ahead downstairs to the family room, and Allen started playing his game, and I surfed the internet, signing up for a pregnancy magazine, and checking due date calculators. Allen made it clear.. no Facebook. You have no idea how hard it was to keep off of Facebook, but I did it. We both discussed things to come, how we would tell everyone, and when we would tell everyone. We were hoping to wait until Thanksgiving, but, as you can still see, Thanksgiving is still a week away! Allen left later on to go deer hunting.. I was soo anxious, and bored! We agreed not to tell anyone without both of us being present, that way no one was annoyed that they did not get to tell someone.

As you can see one test was not enough.. we had to go digital too!

Saturday went by really pretty slow, we had to make our rounds of telling people. Magen, my sister was the first, only because she was the only one up at 1:30 in the morning.. my mom, and Allen's family followed soon after that. I was really surprised at how excited everyone was that we told. I figured it was going to be like when Allen and I got engaged.. no one was too thrilled about that.

I got my first appointment at Dr. Gentry's office on Tuesday morning, to get my blood pregnancy test, testing my HCG Beta level, and progestrone level. I got the report back from their office later that afternoon that I was indeed pregnant... this was no news to me. But, then they told me that I was VERY pregnant.. my beta level was 3308.. really high for a singleton. They went ahead and had me come in the next morning to do the first ultrasound to try to check to see exactly how many there were. I was late getting to my appointment, and had to go by myself. My mom was doing CPR classes at the high school, and could not leave, and Allen was not going to get in, in time. Tara, the same nurse I had dealt with the whole time, greeted me. She was soo excited! She told me she always remembers the IUIs she has done. I went ahead and got ready for the stupid wand internal ultrasound - if you have never had one of these done, consider yourself very very lucky... this was my 9th one soo far. Anyway, we made short talk while she looked at the screen. She finally found the first one, and had the other tech come in the room. She took control of the wand and had it jabbed every which way, and up on my cervix. They finally found the second, but, it would not quite hiding from behind the other enough to measure it, so they just went ahead and measured the one and took pictures of it for me. I then got my due date.. July 19th - I wasn't far off..I had come up with July 20th and 21st from the calculators I had done online. Tara went ahead and scheduled me to come back in 2 weeks, so by then we could see heart beats and the babies would be bigger by then too, making it a whole lot easier to see them. The only other news I got was that my ovaries were sooo swelled up, that we were to avoid intercourse for at least 2 weeks, maybe longer. I kind of grimiced.. our 6 year wedding anniversary is this Sunday. At least we have something to celebrate this year!

our first "baby picture"!! It is only of one of the two babies though

The drive home was non stop phone calls, and texts. It is really amazing that some of the people who snubbed us before we had kids, (due to we did not have kids and they did), were coming out of the cracks, and just chatting away. I really don't understand why they were like that, but, we were the "out" crowd to them, or not in the "club", I guess. I cried like a baby the rest of the way home, when I was not on the phone.. I just realized that Mother's Day and Father's Day will not consist of avoiding thinking about the date, and getting cards from our dogs, but, would be something special from now on after.. Christmas, and birthdays to come would be different... everything was going to change in our lives. It was finally like reaching the next level in Super Mario Bros, after being stuck on the same level forever. I know silly way to put it.

We are sooo excited and blessed beyond words now! It is funny how things work out, even if it seems like nothing goes your way, it turns into exactly what you really wanted all along.

Missy and Toby already "know" I am sure of it. Missy has been kind of moody and not really cuddly to me anymore, but, she has been coming around. I keep telling them that no one can replace them. They were both our babies first, and they are not going to be cast aside. I couldn't even imagine life without them. They are a part of our family that is now growing.

I am just soo happy to know that God has not been ignoring me, or thinking that I did something soo wrong that God did not want me to be a mother. Dreams just don't come any truerer... welcome to the future.

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