

About Me

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Western North Dakota , United States
My husband, Allen, and I are high school sweet hearts. We started dating Sep.99'- I kind of followed Allen home one day, and never did leave, is Allen's story. November 02' we were engaged, and on November 22,2003 - we were married. Having been married for 6 years in 2009, marked the 5th year we had been trying to start our family. With the referral of a Fertility Specialist from a friend, our IUI attempts ended up being a complete success despite my doubts. We welcomed our sweet little girl, Hayleigh into the world on June 30,2010 at 6:28am after 37wks and 1 day of gestation. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 in long. We found out that we were Baby #2 on April Fool's Day- a complete surprise! Reid Allen was born 11/13/12 3:24am 9lbs 8.2oz 21", after 38wks 5 days. Our 3rd baby, Eva Jane, was born on April 19, 2015 after suffering a pregnancy loss June of 2014. We are currently anxiously awaiting baby #4 due 2 days before Eva's birthday, so we are having Irish Twins! Our family is so blessed and happy to be growing!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...You are the Weakest Link...GOODBYE!

For the last few months, Allen and I have been making the game Hayleigh has finally started "pickup" is what it is commonly known as in other houses, into a some what humorous game for us. After writing about this once already on Facebook, it is very clear we watch entirely way too much tv.
Some nights when Hayleigh starts throwing toys off the edge of whatever she is occupied on/in, we start in on our own. We have affectionately named this game many things now, after many hit shows on tv, or just put our own commentary on the situation.. "We've got a jumper", to "Be gone with you I'm through", to "Off with their head!" The game themes we've had so far have been Weakest Link, Survivor- "the tribe has spoken", The Apprentice-"You're Fired", you get the idea. Anyway, here are some pictures from play time yesterday in the middle of one of those episodes.
Contemplating what the fate of the toy will be....

Insert tv show theme here....

She must feel somewhat guilty of throwing the toys off- she always checks to see where exactly they fell after she tosses them off the edge.

These other pictures are from Sunday from sledding down the road at Grandma Sue's house. This is Hayleigh's second sledding trip outside. Her snow suit kept her quite warm, and unable to sit up- it was very slick and puffy~reminded me of Randy the younger brother from A Christmas Story.

All bundled up and not too thrilled about it

I think she is somewhat speechless about the whole snow experience

getting ready to head back in after a 10 minute sled ride complements of Grandma

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday... Look Who's Cooking!

Today Hayleigh decided to get cookin and make me lunch!

Look Who's Cookin!

Slaving over a "Hot" stove

Can we make Slomber? (One of Aunt Magen's favorite "pretend" foods to make when we were little)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Little Movie Star

On the day Hayleigh was born, a film crew doing a promo video for the hospital came in and asked if we would like to be in the video. We said yes of course, and six months later here it is! Hayleigh was a mere 12 hours old when she became a little movie star! lol Enjoy! My mom is also in the video with the ambulance- she is a paramedic at the hospital as well. ( we come right after the mammogram scene) http://www.elocallink.tv/vp6/spon-fcsa_a.php?fvm=1&sponid=ATUAMA9tB2YANQ==&vid=BjICMVEzUDgOPAUy&type=wh&flver=10&brver=6#

Friday, January 7, 2011

" You gotta use Your Kegals!" Trampolines after Babies....

I know I have never shared this story, and thought of it today on a car ride out of town, and just laughed to myself. Boy, some things people say really are true, even if we don't want to believe what we hear.

A couple of years ago, I joked to my neighbor, Ray, while "riding" a tire horse swing, being spun around uncontrollably, that you had to use your kegals....boy did I ever know just how important those muscles would ever be someday!

This all happened this last summer, after I had Hayleigh. Our neighbors had gotten a trampoline for their boys the fall before, right after I found out I was expecting Hayleigh. The boys hounded and hounded me to come and play with them on it all of the time, and I kept telling them they would have to wait until after Hayleigh was born. So, about 2 months after I had Hayleigh, I was standing next to this trampoline, when they started in on me again. Now, growing up, my mom saved up for at least 6 months and bought us a trampoline. We LIVED on that trampoline, and learned how to do just about everything on it by ourselves. Well, the boys knew I still could do flips and hand springs on this thing, so, they asked me to get on it and show them how to do a flip. So, there I was, after taking my shoes off and scrambling up on this thing. Mind you it had been over a year since I had last been on one. SO, I began to bounce up and down, and it felt like I was getting the crap shook out of me! Then... I started to feel a leak that would not STOP! I could not believe that no matter how hard I clinched, with every bounce I shook the pee out of myself! After all of this wait for this?! I did go ahead and do a flip for the boys, and then quickly got off of that trampoline and ran straight back to our house, and changed clothes, vowing not to go on that thing again unless I had not had anything to drink for at least 3 hours, and emptied my bladder before getting on it. I left that trampoline in total shock. Why didn't anyone tell me this would happen??!!! I had not had a single problem with my kegals, or peeing my pants before this, after having Hayleigh, so why this? How did my mom jump on our trampoline? Finally after grilling some other women, I found out that I was not alone, EVERYONE experienced this, so why doesn't it ever get mentioned? I guess it is too embarrassing. I still laugh about it, planning my next trip on the trampoline in the coming spring. I laugh about it now thankfully, and thought I should write it down for Hayleigh to read someday. So, future Moms- let this be a lesson to you!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What all of the Fuss is About...

This week has been pretty tough, I'll have to admit. This week wasn't emotionally tiring for once, just physically. For the past few mornings, instead of waking up when I go in to get Hayleigh ready, she has been up at 5 am on Monday, 4 am on Tuesday, and then 3 am on Wednesday, crying and whining. I cannot tell you just how frazzled I was getting. Hayleigh has started teething, and has had a runny nose from it. I had been running the humidifier for it with baby Vick's rub on her chest and on the humidifier, making sure her head was elevated when sleeping, and gave her infant Motrin for the last week, resulting in a small cough and a fussy baby. I had had the last straw Wednesday morning, when nothing would soothe her, and made an appointment with one of the other pediatrician since hers was off on Wednesdays. We went in, and found out that she has slight chest congestion..aka has a cold, with the runny nose. We were prescribed benedryl, with antibiotics and nasal saline. I know the medicine has worked wonders on her- she was very giggly all last night, and not fussy at all. I even had her laughing harder than I have ever heard her laugh, which I made sure I got Allen on the phone for him to hear Hayleigh laugh as well. I was starting to worry last night that the benedryl would have an opposite effect on her that it does on me- making her excitable, and not drowsy, since she was bouncing and giggling an hour after giving her a dose. She finally did go to sleep about 8:30- 2 hours later than her usual time, but, she did sleep until 6am this morning. I know we both slept a whole lot better, but, I did get up and check on her every few hours through the night, to make sure she was okay. I now understand the feeling other parents talk about when they describe staying up with a sick baby, on just how exhausting it really was. With me being the only one home, the past few nights were really tough, especially when I had to go to work early as well. This all makes me really appreciate just how easy of a baby Hayleigh has been, resulting in spoiling me. I am afraid to see what we would get if and when we had another.

Other than Hayleigh being sick, I have made time for myself for once. Making time for myself has become one of my New Year's Resolutions, along with getting the house more organized. This week, I have started working out at least 3 times a week. I am just trying to tone up and shed a few pounds now, before baby #2 is in the plans. I have also started tanning again- first time in a year and a half, to help my psoriasis. I cannot tell you how great it felt to soak up those rays the other day! I don't think I have ever had a quick nap that felt that great. Also, yesterday, I got my hair cut off. I have not had my hair cut since Hayleigh was 4 weeks old, so this also felt amazing! I wanted it cut just bellow my shoulders, but, it ended up just above, which will be fine. Hair grows back. Just doing things for myself makes me feel incredible, hopefully making me a better mom for Hayleigh. Most of the stress I have been holding in kind of lifted somewhat from all of this, and I really needed it.

One thing I get a kick out of anymore is about how I get excited over stuff that most people dread. For Christmas, I got a kitchen aide mixer and a Dyson vacuum. I cannot tell you how giddy I was to use them- like a little kid and a new toy. Things like vacuums, mixers, and now shelving make me soo happy. We are turning our hall coat closet that is next to our bar into a pantry tomorrow. We just need to add shelving, since it is not a wide closet- perfect pantry size! I have been running out of room in the kitchen for things lately, and have been desperate for space. Since the New Year, I have been obsessed with organization in our house. I guess that is just the mother coming out in me. After Christmas, we found ourselves with the kitchen about to bust, and just the house in general looking like a bomb went off in a toy store. Now, I am losing my storage room, which was the only room in the house that was a wreck, and turning it into a den room for both Allen and my hunting stuff, and the current den/ bedroom will be turned into a play room / guest room for Hayleigh, with the stuff that survives being thrown out of storage, being stored in the extra large closet in the new play room. I know this will be quite a job, but, I am working daily on it, along with thumbing though catalogs for ideas on how to decorate, and organize a play room. The first of the organizing stuff for the play room I ordered will be here tomorrow, and I am not even ready. In the mix of all of the organizing, I once again have to clean out Hayleigh's closet and dresser for clothes that are too small once again. It seems like I just did this a month ago. We now are up to 3 storage tubs full of clothes for her, and I cringe thinking just how much she will have by the time she is 2. I know I should sell some of it, but, I just cannot bring myself to do it, thinking we will possibly have another baby within the next year and a half. Some days this is very debatable- I really think one baby is enough at moments. We will have to see though. Anyway, my goal is to have the play room done by the time Hayleigh turns a year old- I am actually giving myself a realistic time frame to get this accomplished, and plan to have before and after pictures up when this gets done.

Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 Looking Back

Well, for the most part, 2010 has been quite the year. We have had quite a few highs and lows, and I thought I would share our highs for the year after reading another bloggers and thought it was a great idea to do.

Highs for 2010:  (in order of events)
1. Started off with finally being pregnant.
2. First feeling Hayleigh kick for the first time on my Birthday.
3. For the first time in my life, enjoying the "fat look"
4. shopping for clothes..maternity clothes- much more fun than the regular.
5. Growing closer with my whole family- some major ties were made
6. Enjoying Mother's and Father's Days this year.
7. Made the nursery of my dreams a reality.
8. Enjoying the Baby shower of my dreams
9. Having Hayleigh- holding her in my arms and knowing we were finally a family.
10. Watching Allen beam and glow as a Dad
11. Showing our little baby girl off to everyone, and being the most proud I have ever been in my whole life.
12.Bringing Hayleigh home- house has never been the same since
13. Seeing Hayleigh's Smile and Hearing her Giggle
14. Trick or Treating
15. Allen doing great in Sporting Clays- made lots of connections and moved up from "D" class to "A"
16. Celebrating our 7 year Wedding Anniversary- I wish I would have known just how lucky 7 years would be! And Celebrating being together for 10 years too!  
17. Thanksgiving
18. Buying our baby Christmas presents
19. Seeing Santa Claus
20. Celebrating Christmas as a family of 3

As you can see our highs have for the most part been Hayleigh. I would really hate to see what our year would have been like if she was not here- probably be a very sad one to say the least. I can tell you that this last year has made me more grateful than I ever could have thought I could be. Just the privliage of becoming a Mom, has made this year one of the best years of my life.