

About Me

My photo
Western North Dakota , United States
My husband, Allen, and I are high school sweet hearts. We started dating Sep.99'- I kind of followed Allen home one day, and never did leave, is Allen's story. November 02' we were engaged, and on November 22,2003 - we were married. Having been married for 6 years in 2009, marked the 5th year we had been trying to start our family. With the referral of a Fertility Specialist from a friend, our IUI attempts ended up being a complete success despite my doubts. We welcomed our sweet little girl, Hayleigh into the world on June 30,2010 at 6:28am after 37wks and 1 day of gestation. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 in long. We found out that we were Baby #2 on April Fool's Day- a complete surprise! Reid Allen was born 11/13/12 3:24am 9lbs 8.2oz 21", after 38wks 5 days. Our 3rd baby, Eva Jane, was born on April 19, 2015 after suffering a pregnancy loss June of 2014. We are currently anxiously awaiting baby #4 due 2 days before Eva's birthday, so we are having Irish Twins! Our family is so blessed and happy to be growing!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

36wks and T is for TWO!

Yesterday, Hayles and I made it to 36wks... YAY! Second, I had my doctor's appt today... lost 2lbs- back down to 18lbs total weight gain, and dilated to 2 centimeters!! Double YAY! Sandy doesn't think Hayleigh will be such a huge baby now, and says from the looks of everything, and how I have already started losing my mucas plug, and she has dropped down more, I should not go past my due date! And I got 2 parts of the back yard mowed today too! Great Day for ME! I go back a week from today to see a regular OB, Dr. Hatten, instead of my midwife I am seeing to check me off.  Anyway, I will keep this short today- it is hot, and I still haven't been to bed yet or had lunch.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day for the new Daddy to Be

Today, we celebrated Allen's first Father's Day, even though Hayleigh will not technically be here for a few weeks.... errr.. sometime soon anyway. Everything seems to be chugging right along with this wicked weather. I sucked it up today and went with Allen to shoot sporting clays- I just stayed in the cart while he jumped in and out. He says that without me along with him the last few times he has went, it just is not the same. We are usually side by side on the weekends, and never do much of anything on our own on the weekends, since we do not get to see that much of each other through the week. Today, I didn't even get the camera out to take any pictures, but, Allen did get a great Father's Day card earlier this week that I had made on shutterfly.com. I am sure that next years Father's Day will be even more special- by then Hayleigh should be close to saying mommy and daddy hopefully. We really plan on working with her a lot on everything we can. We didn't come this far just to relax and let go. Anyway, Happy Father's Day to all of the Dads, Dads to Be, and Grandpas!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sneak Peek to Maternity Pics are IN!!!!

Okay, here are four of the many pics that Jenny took on last Saturday. I am soo excited to see how the others turned out as well! My favorite is taken in Hayleigh's room by the window. It is just really weird to see me with such a baby bump now, that it makes me really want to cry from being soo happy that this really is REAL. If anyone is interested in having Jenny take their pics that lives in my area, her website is posted below. THANK YOU JENNY FOR MAKING THIS SOO SPECIAL FOR US! We really enjoyed our time we had with Jenny, and she has soo much insite on becoming a new mama too- makes me breath a sigh of relief. All in all, the shoot went very well, very comfortable too! Cannot wait for the newborn pics!


35wks... pregnancy brain, and ummm....

Monday, Hayleigh and I made it to 35wks... did I even notice that I did not do a blog post on this? NOPE! I guess this week has been very busy. We had our maternity pictures taken on Saturday by Jenny Riggs Seiler. Everything went great- we are glad we did not go outside to do a shoot in the 90 degree weather and had such a great time with Jenny. Besides the maternity pics, most of the final stuff for the nursery has come this week too! Everything is pretty much ready now, just waiting for this girl to get here. Yesterday, Hayleigh begin to drop down, let me just say how much that hurt! My next appointment is on Tuesday, so, maybe we will just see how much longer until the big day! 4 wks from tomorrow is also my due date now, and everything is becoming more real as each day goes by. It is funny how fast this has all went, and I know that I keep saying this, but it is really true. Allen took a break yesterday from blowing out the gutters on the house- usually my job, anyway, we just sat there and talked about how we would have never guessed we would be here now... 9 months pregnant on Monday! We just sat there going on about how lucky we are that we are here now, and that just a year ago, it was one of the farthest things from our minds... we had pretty much given up on becoming parents anytime soon back then. Now, we joke when stuff is pilling up to get done, "why couldn't we be happy with just dogs?" The answer to this is clear, and our lives as we know it now, will be forever changed within a months time. Talk about scary... in a short amount of time, we will be responsible for another life! I don't think we would ever trade any of this for anything in the world!

Hayleigh's developments for the week:

Week 35 of Pregnancy

A rapidly growing brain makes your baby's head weigh more and that means more pressure on Mommy's bladder.
Your Baby in Week 35 of Pregnancy
Your baby is standing tall (so to speak) this week at about 20 inches and continues her steady weight gain (she’s about 5.5 pounds). While she won't get much longer, she will continue to pack on the pounds — including large amounts of baby fat — right up 'til delivery day. Something else that's moving at a mind-boggling pace these day: fetal brain development! There’s a lot going on inside that tiny head, which is, by the way, still soft to allow an easier exit through the birth canal.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday... The Crib is Complete!

New Wall Decal from www.quotethewalls.com

Crib finished with new crib skirt from Pottery Barn Kids 
Well, the crib is complete, and the new wall decal is now up, finishing off the area. I am soo happy that I ordered the second decal- it really made the wall above the crib look sooo sweet. I had Allen help me today while he was home put the decal up, and put the crib skirt on the crib. I am very pleased with how the room has turned out this far, and could not have imagined it looking any better! Now, just to get the baby in the room, and we will be set!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Welcome to Babyland!

As Franck in Father of the Bride Part II says anyway... The nursery is 99% complete right now! I am just waiting on some things to get here... crib skirt from Pottery Barn Kids, Wall decal for behind the crib. The only other things we need to get yet are a monitor and a glider. Other than that, I would say if Hayleigh came today, she would not notice those few things missing. I finally got my butt in gear and took some pictures in the daylight, for some reason, the lighting in that room turns the walls a yellow color at night, so, the pics I took today are a whole lot better!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

34wks Are we there Yet?

On Monday, Hayles and I made it to 34 wks. Let me just say, I am sooo ready for her to come out now! Nesting has finally started kicking in now. I think today was the first day that I actually relaxed for once. I had my 34 wk doctor appointment on Monday too. I had to wait one whole hour to get in- the longest soo far! We did the usual... I gained the most in the last 2 wks that I have soo far- 5lbs, bringing me up to 20lbs total for this whole ride. I found out Hayleigh is now 6.5 lbs give or take an ounce or two. After the 22nd of this month, I will start going once a week from then on out, if we even make it past then. Sandy said that Hayleigh should be ready between the 28th of this month, up to the week before I am due. I am hoping for the first of July or around there. Hopefully this little ham decides she is getting too crampt, and wants out.

Saturday was the baby shower, everything went great. I will have a seperate post on that with some of the pictures taken from it on here soon! Sunday, Allen and I went to Terre Haute, to Babies'R'US to pick up the mattress and the changing pad for the nursery. We ended up getting some sheet savers, changing pad covers, the bumper, and more clothes... even though Allen forbid me to buy anymore. I went to the bathroom, and come back out to find him on the 40% off wall for the baby adidas clothes. He had the handle of the cart loaded with hot pink adidas outfits. At least he picked out 9mths and 12 mths clothes. They are all soo cute! We also went to Lowes and picked up a new ceiling fan for the nursery as well. The white one in there was very old, and was out of balance. We no more than got home, and Allen had our neighbor come over and help put the new fan up. Allen was soo excited about getting everything up, he had to put the bumper and the mattress in the crib himself. He got that all done, and stood there, looking around the room and just smiled. I thought he was going to cry there for a minute. I just sat on the floor smiling at him, he turned around, and saw me smiling at him, and told me not to make fun of him. I don't know anything more sweet than seeing Allen getting soo excited about becoming a daddy, and having soo much pride in that nursery. I have to give him credit, he has picked out the majority of everything that has went in there, from the furniture, to the mattress- he had to have the best for our little ham. Now, I am just getting everything washed and put away. I think I have seriously done 10 loads of laundry for Hayleigh now. I really cannot believe that in just around a months time, we will be a family of 3, instead of 2, and the house will no longer be as quite as it is now for a really long time!

Wordless Wednesday..She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes!

Yes, this is my belly now, and yes the "lump" up above sticking out, is Hayleigh sticking her butt out. She has been putting her fat little butt in my ribs, my diaphragm, and pushing out on my sides like no other now. She is now up to 6.5lbs according to my midwife as of Monday morning. I'll have the blog post for the appointment and the shower on here ASAP. I figured I would do a preview of my big belly before Jenny comes and takes the maternity pics on Saturday.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bittersweet Thoughts

I've been feeling really anxious lately, thinking of just how soon it will be until we become parents. I have been trying to get the house ready, mainly organized before this all happens. Saturday is the big baby shower that I have been planning for most of my life. Like I have said before, I LOVE the Father of the Bride movies, and have been hanging on to some ideas for this big day for a really long time now. It is really hard to believe that in just  3 more weeks, I will be off of work after tomorrow, and in just 4-5 wks Hayleigh should be making her way into the world. It just does not seem like we should be here already. I keep looking in the nursery, and thinking to myself about how much time I will soon be spending in there. It is funny I catch Allen doing the same thing when he is home, just standing in that room, looking around. The dogs have even been sneaking in there snooping around all of the new stuff, and I am sure they know something big is going on, but, really have no idea of what is about to hit our house.

I am soo happy that I have finally been able to get sleep once again! I have figured out what I need to do to get comfortable now, and have it down to a science. 2 throw pillows- one wedged under my belly, and the other wedged under my back. I was starting to get afraid that I would not be getting any more good quality sleep from here on out after spending 2 of the 4 nights last weekend, sleeping in the recliner in the family room.

Everything is falling into place quite well, I just hope that everything keeps on running smooth here on out. I know Saturday will be a really busy day, but, I cannot wait to see all of our family and friends and share the excitement of Hayleigh becoming a reality. We have waited soo long to be here, it just does not seem possible that we are already in the home stretch. The only thing that is bittersweet is that here really soon, I will not be pregnant anymore, feeling all of those kicks, pushes, and jabs from our little ham, and be holding her in my arms instead. It just seems like I was just getting used to the idea of being pregnant, and we are already almost done!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday..These Boots were Made for Walkin

Hayleigh's first camo - came from Nana Rose & Papa Ronnie this last weekend. The boots are too cute! I am ususally not a big fan of pink and camo, but these little boots were just made to walk all over hearts, especially with who will be wearing them.